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Kite Central - 31-7-2004 at 18:10

There is some fraudsters going around these forsale adds watch out!!!!

basically they start off offering you the full value for your gear. Once the interested is then returned they give some story how they dont live in the UK but have a client who owes them somot like £4000 / £4800.

They then asked that there client will send you bankers draft in your name to this value, you take out your (x amount) and then forward the rest by western union bank.

After this is done they claim they will arange pick up for the gear (kite).

I have now had the same person, asuming the identity of 5 different people now. 3 different cheques, 2 fake and 1 stolen.


shem - 1-8-2004 at 07:08

Ive had them e mail when I sell items, there replys are normally pre written, and they just fill in the blanks with the item thats for sale. So you get used to spotting them.

justal - 1-8-2004 at 07:27

Yep, we have too.... Whever we advertise anything anywhere they try it on.... Its pretty obvious its a scam though. I can't imagine anyone actuallly falling for it, but I guess some people must or they wouldn't do it.


bucski - 1-8-2004 at 08:27

I've had around 7 when I was trying to sell my co2 - the give away is the language they use, very dodgy english, and then they chose, what they think, is some typical english name like John Smith!
All very annoying

leonardo - 2-8-2004 at 12:16

yup, also had an issue with someone from Holland, so said see ya later matey!