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The weekend
justal - 25-7-2004 at 20:22

Well, depsite the poor forecast, there was plenty of wind this weekend, and we even managed a decent BBQ and fire on the beach on Saturday evening accompanied by 'whispering Bob Harris' on Radio 2!!

Also, seeing as I have a new digital camera, I did briefly go over to the beach without my wetsuit on and take a couple of photos... Trouble was everyone was up kiting in the pools when I did and I couldn't be bothered to walk all the way down there!

You can just about see Chris and Dereks kites in this photo and if you look closely Paul and Sams kites are down by the estuary... It was a pretty miserable day weatherwise as well!

justal - 25-7-2004 at 20:23

And the only person I got remotely close to was Derek, so heres a photo of him.... I only stood on the beach for two minutes, before rushing back home to get my kit and go out again.... I'll try a bit harder next time, honest.

leonardo - 26-7-2004 at 06:53

Yeah styling steady wind and a great weekend al2gether..Respect 2 da kitesurfing Borth CREW MASSIF!!

badexcuseforasailor - 26-7-2004 at 11:43

Tell me about it the forcast was crap so I arranged to do other things and the wind was blowing all the time

justanna - 26-7-2004 at 14:00 should learn from the wise Al....never plan anything, it might be windy!

shem - 27-7-2004 at 07:01

Wise words anna!!

mNeil - 27-7-2004 at 09:34

thats excactly what my wife keeps saying about me Anna

justal - 27-7-2004 at 14:41

What do you mean??? I ALWAYS have a plan.....

If theres wind I plan to be on the beach!
