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good prices/deals?
gavin - 6-7-2004 at 12:13

i'm looking to buy a kite to play with, PKD Buster 4m or similar. Anyone know of, or can recommend, any sites/stores that do good prices or have deals on? Seem to remember there was a place that would go lower than anyone, but can't find them now i've got the cash. best i've found so far is a free camelback, not really what i'm after though.


shem - 6-7-2004 at 18:52

You could always sell thge camel back on e bay??!!

have you tried flying a few different kites before buying?

rob - 6-7-2004 at 20:12

trick of the eye kites? they're pretty cheap and (apparently) dont charge vat!

col123 - 7-7-2004 at 19:44

dont have the camelback and ask for a discount!!

sprogg - 23-7-2004 at 08:54

Trick of the Eye don't charge VAT but customs will. Call

Their web site isn't finished but they will give you a very good deal. I got 17.5% off a kite I bought from them. They have beamers and Samurais on offer at the moment.