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Kite Central / New Site!!!
Kite Central - 14-6-2004 at 23:25

Kite Central will be switching over to its new site very soon, to keep upto date with whats going on we have provided a link below which will take you to a preview look, where you can subscribe to our mailing list. (email address's will NOT be passed out)

Click Here

If you have or think of any ideas for the site we would love to here from you, where we will see what we can do, we always welcome feedback good or bad as this is how we improve.

Got some news/gossip want to write some content/articles for the new site then please email us at

We have also just recently switched over to a new Gallery Script which is rather cool if i say so my self, where a little short on photos at the moment, so please pay a visit and upload a few.

Click Here

Please note that the Gallery Script will resize all images when approved. Please just make sure they are under 2MB in size, as this is the upload limit set.

Kite Central Team.