Spent all avo waiting for wind at the lagoons at dyfi, wind guru was forecasting 11knts at 3 oclock but it didn't really get above
7knts, not enough even for that monster titan of mine, oh well.
Anyone else manage to get a ride? Were col, neil or graham over the other side?
should have come to barry its been going off all day , sw15+
It got pretty windy where I was, up to about 15-16 knots, but by that time I was committed to doing other things so didn't get out....
Maybe tomorrow.
was that over at borth? i think neil was over that way, wonder if he got out?
Nope... I was in Bristol and planning to go to WSM, but ended up getting roped into shopping for a suit for my impending wedding!!!
Suit? Is there such a thing I though the only suit was a wetsuit
aah, there were some kitesurfers up from cheltenham yesterday, for the day, who had decided to give WSM a miss and go to dyfi instead!
Looks like they would have been better off staying south.
As for the wedding stuff, I got married last year so know where you're coming from, I hired my suit. Went to maldives for the
honeymoon, which was cool.
I did think of getting a custom made wetsuit designed to look like a dinner suit or something.... Decided it might be a little too warm
for a July wedding though!!!
We're off to the Outer Hebrides for our honeymoon.... Should be some wind there!
Bucksi... Are you still around? There might be some wind this evening.
We were down at the golfourse beach front on sat and nothing happened! Neil, Graham and I were standing around doing nothing all day! It was light Westerly all day, oh well at least it was sunny and blue sky all day. Where'z the wind?!
cheers for the thought Al but can't make it then
I shall be over tomoro, prob be there around early avo, you able to go out then?
I won't be around until later in the afternoon.... All of a sudden it isn't looking great again, although it picked up quite a bit
yesterday eveing and overnight..... Fat lot of use that was!