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whos coming to play this weekend?
mNeil - 27-5-2004 at 12:09

golf course car park for the weekend with SW 3to 4 sounds like big kite cruising.whos coming?

Bananaman - 27-5-2004 at 12:14

I'm there. Where did you get that forecast from?

shem - 27-5-2004 at 17:59

Im having saturday off for a change puerly to go playing, think Ill ride dyfi side though, Can I tempt any body over?? If not Ill probably come round.

rob - 27-5-2004 at 19:04

what are the beaches like over your side shem? never been over there, i'll have to take a trip around one of the days...

Bananaman - 27-5-2004 at 20:24

the beach is awesome over the other side. Can you ride flat water in SW winds over that end shem? I need shallow and flat.

justal - 27-5-2004 at 21:07

SW's are fine in the lagoon on the Dyfi side... More flat water than at Borth anyway.


The Russian - 28-5-2004 at 07:38

Will there be wind, forecast seems a bit shite ate the mo

mNeil - 28-5-2004 at 11:37

the problem is the road to dyfi for us big yorkie drivers!
anyway can always ride over to your side if no one is at borth. see you tomorrow

The Russian - 28-5-2004 at 17:30

Leo, give me a call later or leave a message, out for dinner

bucski - 28-5-2004 at 19:50

i shal most probably playing on sunday, just hoping things pick up a little, a force 4 SW would be nice, so i could go and play in the lagoons at dyfi!

shem - 30-5-2004 at 07:21

Sunday morning and its not looking great, I sat down at the lagoons waiting all day yesterday, but it just didnt do it. X fingers it picks up later.

justal - 30-5-2004 at 07:27

Nowt here either!!

Looking good for Tuesday still though.... typical!


bucski - 30-5-2004 at 07:40

me has me fingers crossed too,i am stil comin over, looks to peak around 3