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bad kitting
mikeypies - 5-5-2004 at 21:17

a copy of my diary entry

I am sure most of you guys think and are responsible but this my make you think and help your sport mantain good relations with other beach users

after work session just whats required got in about 6ish as the tide was a bigun had about 45 min sailing untill a moron under a kite sailed into me and holed the board.

I was on starboard he was on port he had no idea of rights of way and didnt care that my board was holed just carried on kitting .After I had slapped on some bodge so I could sail then came in after missing 40 mins he had packed up and left . The board only costs £1k but its not his so should he care obviously not

there was about 6 of them all launching where all the windsurfers were ,at times blocking the launch area idiots

when the first guys started and untill summer last year they all used to launch from the posts about 1/2 mile up wind great loads of seperation no prob on the water once off the beach there is loads of room

now they launch and rig/blow up the kites between parked cars ,where joe public drive up and down ,little Jimmie runs around with his siblings then get the hump when people drive over lines

is it just here?, are the kiters getting thoughtless or is it that there are brain dead morons getting into the sport so many guys have been killed or severly injured doing this new sport I and many others do not want to be caught up in somebodys kitemare keep clear

you good kiters take note I love seeing you do your stuff but if you dont get it sorted out very quick you will be banned and unfortuately you are loosing support from windsurfers you go not need to lose any support

anyway rant over but please kitters THINK about your actions and be proactive

Spencer - 5-5-2004 at 21:48

ive had a few near misses with kiters at wsm.again i was on Starboard tack,i try to give them a big berth, ie. get upwind of them but this is not always possible & then bearing off downwind & under thier lines always makes me feel very un-safe,the other day i had 2 of them coming towards me again i was on Starboard tack & had 2 pass under a set of lines whilst the other passed by about 5 feet away!!! Not nice...

leonardo - 6-5-2004 at 06:16

fellow water users,

I am a kitesurfer now for over 4 years and I have had this problem countless of times when kitesurfing in Cape Town...not only is there windsurfers & kiters but sometimes also bodyboarders, longboarders, surfers, a running 6 foot swell and hundreds of families on the beach !! But in truth Kiters are not dumb, most riders are just having so much fun & r so stoked that they are not aware they are pi55ing off others water-users.

I do agree that kiters need to wake up to this realisation and that a mutual agreement i.e. separation in setting up on the beach and launching zones will keep us away from yourselves thus ensuring more saftey and happier sailing sessions..

mNeil - 6-5-2004 at 09:02

could there be a slight lack of communication between you water users; go over introduce yourself, explain any area of conflict and talk them out over a pint,try and avoid the "us and them" syndrome,you are all there for fun.
where we sail, k/surfers ,windsurfers and other beach users mix and socialise both on and off the water, we dont have a problem with conflict, we look out for each other at all times and we dont have the us and them syndrom.

leonardo - 6-5-2004 at 10:06

Yup > Thats said it - Respect to the BLUE BEARD!!!

If there are any concerns have a chat and voice them at the beach, then have a good solid sail and afterwards dive into several much needed pints 'o booze!!!

The Russian - 6-5-2004 at 12:35

Mikeypies hit the nail on the head... i quote..

"now they launch and rig/blow up the kites between parked cars ,where joe public drive up and down ,little Jimmie runs around with his siblings then get the hump when people drive over lines

is it just here?, are the kiters getting thoughtless or is it that there are brain dead morons getting into the sport so many guys have been killed or severly injured doing this new sport I and many others do not want to be caught up in somebodys kitemare keep clear

you good kiters take note I love seeing you do your stuff but if you dont get it sorted out very quick you will be banned and unfortuately you are loosing support from windsurfers you go not need to lose any support"

There's a lot of people coming into the sport who havent a clue.... they've had lessons, think they da man and fak the rest ! Some may say its not true, but I have scars across my ankles where one newbie tried to boost upwind of me as i was launching and let go of his kite.... best advice is to avoid people you dont know like the plague (and even some you do know) assume the worst/treat them like white van drivers and then you wont be dissapointed

and I'm spent

dunk - 6-5-2004 at 13:27

I'm sorry to hear what happened at W-S-M.

I agree with Neil about the lack of communication, The Russian on avoiding people you don't know and some you do, and Leo on seperate launch sites.

I kitesurf and windsurf so I see both sides, before I kited I was scared of kites while I was windsurfing , not so much now as I've an idea of what they're doing. I kitesurf a lot with friends who windsurf, we go on holiday and have a lot of fun even though we're doing different things.

I think the kitesurfer in question was wrong not to speak to you on the beach or leave any insurance details, also it sounds a bad place to rig and launch.

Would you have been so angry if it was a windsurfer though? With a lot of people using the water sometimes things go wrong. I was windsurfing a couple of months ago and got hit by another windsurfer, we were on the same tack and he gybed into me. A friend was in the water trying trying to waterstart, when he was run over by a sailing boat. Another friend was hit by a jetski (worst kind of people !) down the south coast, breaking his board in half ! and a few of his ribs.

At the end of the day we're all there to have fun, we just need to respect each other.

[Edited on 7-5-2004 by dunk]

The Russian - 6-5-2004 at 13:51

"At the end of the day we're all there to have fun, we just need to resect each other".

entirely admirable sentiments dunk, but next mother who cuts me will get punished

dunk - 6-5-2004 at 14:29

And rightly so !

mikeypies - 6-5-2004 at 15:56

guys it wasnt a us and them thing untill end of summer 03 I know the first 2 guys to kite at weston about 4 years ago used to help them lanuch ect had some great days sailing with and around them they self imposed a launch spot 1/2 mile upwind well away from conflict with anybody

but since the end of summer 03 a heap of new guys have turned up and they dont give a hoot very much a case of I'm alright jack and sod everybody else

if they get banned good but it will also mess up the good guy its up to you guys to get your house in order and quick there are more and more bans being implicated around the country and more will try to follow as I said its up to you

winds blowing its time to sail

The Russian - 6-5-2004 at 16:41

think we could be fighting a losing battle, the common denominator sure isn't improving

badexcuseforasailor - 6-5-2004 at 21:42

So i guess if an unknown kiter turns up in a white van get packed up and off the water asap
And looking what happens to Dunks friends not sure if I want to know you Dunk

dunk - 7-5-2004 at 13:06

Thanks for that mate,

The point I was trying to make was that sometimes accidents happen. Mikey's right we don't want any more bans.

It maybe that kites have been around a while now, there's a lot of secondhand kit on the market. Some of the newbies now may not of had any lessons, or if they've not come into the sport , from windsurf/sailing, or kite buggie type background they maynot know rights of way etc.

As Neil say communication is the answer, we need to talk to eachother and point out what they're doing wrong.

Happy (safe) sailing !
