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2Morrow Ynaslas?
leonardo - 20-4-2004 at 16:27

2morrow looks like a styling forecast..I should be down around lunch with a mate and i reckon we're in store for some nice conditions!

Anybody esle gonna be down?

justal - 20-4-2004 at 17:30

I'll be here, and on the beach if I get rained off at work.

Dunk is already here, but we didn't go out today as the wind was horrible, gusty and slightly offshore.

Col123 is heading this way as well, along with a couple of buggiers.


shem - 20-4-2004 at 21:34

Hope for being rained off, and Ill be over, yum yum.

justal - 21-4-2004 at 05:17

No rain yet....but there should be some later.


leonardo - 21-4-2004 at 07:26

looks a bit gusty and wet...mmmmm...maybe not..

justal - 21-4-2004 at 15:22

Well, there was plenty of wind, but no rain so I was at work until 2pm and then decided I couldn't take anymore and postponed my other jobs until Friday.

By then the wind had dropped too much for windsurfing, but there was still some 4 foot swell so i went for a surf instead.

There are lots of kites up over on the beach now, so someone is having fun!
