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looking for a s/ kite
shem - 16-4-2004 at 17:13

Im looking for a kite for a friend, Either a foil around the 5 meter size, or a inflatable about 9 meters. doesnt have to be compleate, but must be in fairly good condition. he wants to spend no more than 150-200 quid.

Open to any suggestions.

badexcuseforasailor - 16-4-2004 at 20:26

Is my beamer a foil? 5m was £160 brand new from 4kite

col123 - 18-4-2004 at 18:49

8m storm 1..good condition kite only £175.00

adam - 19-4-2004 at 09:17


Now the Guerilla is on the way should sell my 4.9 Blade III although I don't want to really !!

Has one repair by flexifoil other than that its mint.

Will send you an email with photos!

