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another railey...
leonardo - 20-4-2004 at 16:15

dunk - 22-4-2004 at 09:30

Cool pics Leo,
Where were you yesterday ?, it was going off! the sea was huge, sailed down wind to the sand bar with col123. It was a bit flatter down there.

mNeil - 22-4-2004 at 11:52

ok for some ,others have to work.
must get my priorities sorted out!

leonardo - 26-4-2004 at 15:51

hey Snowboard & DUnk > I will be down wednesday to rip it up at the estaury...possible F5!! and flat water > nice...But if ya can't make that be down for the long weekend > i've already booked my b&b and the forecast should be styling...

justal - 26-4-2004 at 17:27

I wouldn't count on it being flat water in a NE in the estuary.... it won't be too bad as the tides are really small so the sandbanks will still be exposed, but on a normal hight tide and a NE in the estuary you'll end up with some pretty viscous chop...

Heres a photo of a proper NE Day in the estuary...
