Forces-of-Nature Forums
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December so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19829
This Months Entries: 23
My Total Entries: 0
My Entries this Month: 0
Most Active Members:
squiz (12 entries)
maker (11 entries)
Most Stoked Members:
maker (Stoke Factor: 38 )
squiz (Stoke Factor: 31 )

The Kite has been used 17 times
The 17 most recent diary entries found for Zeeko Notus are shown below.

Date Username
Activity Location
30th May 2010 alunj Kite surfing Rest
No. of views: 5556

17th May 2010 alunj Kite surfing Aber
No. of views: 2241

15th May 2010 alunj Kite surfing rest
No. of views: 2523

2nd May 2010 alunj Kite surfing Broughton
No. of views: 2591

28th April 2010 alunj Kite surfing Fresh
No. of views: 2215

17th April 2010 alunj Kite surfing coney
No. of views: 2279

14th March 2010 alunj Kite surfing Rest Bay
No. of views: 2401

7th March 2010 alunj Kite surfing oxwich
No. of views: 2424

8th February 2010 alunj Kite surfing Broughton
No. of views: 2453

21st January 2010 alunj Kite surfing Coney
No. of views: 1079

19th January 2010 alunj Kite surfing coney
No. of views: 1220

15th January 2010 alunj Kite surfing Aber
No. of views: 1161

28th December 2009 alunj Kite surfing oxwich
No. of views: 1302

26th December 2009 alunj Kite surfing Rest
No. of views: 1089

20th December 2009 alunj Kite surfing Rest
No. of views: 1395

18th December 2009 alunj Kite surfing Broughton
No. of views: 1236

8th December 2009 alunj Kite surfing aber
No. of views: 1636



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