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Beachguide » Rhossili
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Long Sandy beach backed by sttep hills
Submitted by:
24th Apr 2004
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This massive west facing bay bears the brunt of SW storms thrown at the Gower Peninsula. Rhossili is at the southern end of the bay, where the unusual promontory of Worms Head does give it some protection from the worst of the SW winds.

Rhossili Bay picks up any swell going and can therefore be a good place to head for some wave-sailing when everywhere else is flat.

Access to the beach from Rhossili itself is fairly difficult, so windsurfers tend to head to Llangenith instead. Offshore SE and Southerly winds can produce some excellent beach break surfing conditions, or wave sailing conditions. SW can be good too, but the waves will start to lose their quality. Westerly winds result in blown out waves and North and NW winds don't tend to generate any swell here.

To get there, follow the A4118 from Swansea and turn right onto the B4247. Follow this road to Rhossili. From here a steep path leads down the cliffs to the beach. Cafe, toilets, parking etc are all available in Rhossili.

Rhosilli Bay is also the place to head for on The Gower for hang-gliding from the cliffs.
Sports Suitability
Surfing starstar
Surf Conditions at Rhossili can be Good
Buggying starstar
Buggying Conditions at Rhossili can be Good
Windsurfing starstar
Windsurfing Conditions at Rhossili can be Good
kitesurfing starstar
Kitesurfing Conditions at Rhossili can be Good
Wind Suitability
Windsurfing at Rhossili Kitesurfing at Rhossili
NW   N   NE
SW   S   SE
NW   N   NE
SW   S   SE

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