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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: justal

Member#: 1
Registered: 21-07-2002
Diary Entries: 2989

Mood: Just Chillin Dude
14th November 2009
Windsurfing: Ynyslas
Wind Direction: NW
Wind Stength: 30 knots
Surf / Sea State: 3-4 foot surf
Air Temperature: 9ºC
Sea Temperature: 13ºC
Weather: Squally showers
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Not quite as good a day as we had hoped, but still OK. Jon and Steve were here for 10am but there wasn't enough wind. At around midday it filled in nicely from the SW and Jon went out with a 4.7m and little board.

he soon came back in looking a little scared having experienced the wrath of the Borth waves for the first time. I told him it would be bigger than it look out there.

Steve and I got ready but within 20 minutes the sun was out and the wind had gone. Jon had to head off and we sat there in the sunshine. A little later the wind came back, 30 knots from the NW.

I had a good sail although I was a little overpowered with my big board and 5m sail. I probably should have changed down, but just hung onto it. I was making it out the back through the fairly big waves oin my least preferred tack each time. Steve stayed in a little closer to the beach not wanting to venture out too far into the bigger stuff.

I was playing it safe most of the time though and felt as though disaster was looming on the next run all the time. We didn't stay out too long, but what we did do was good.

The wind then continued to blow at around 30 knots all afternoon.
Toys Used:
Naish Hybrid Freewave 86ltr
Gun Hammer 5.0
Gun Loop RDM 400cm
Naish Freewave 23cm
C-Skins Wired 5/3mm



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