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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: justal

Member#: 1
Registered: 21-07-2002
Diary Entries: 2989

Mood: Just Chillin Dude
5th November 2009
Windsurfing: Ynyslas
Wind Direction: WNW
Wind Stength: 25-35 knots
Surf / Sea State: 3 foot messy surf
Air Temperature: 11ºC
Sea Temperature: 13ºC
Weather: Cloudy
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Wooohoo, what a session.

SimonC turned up around 10.30am so I made a coffee and put a DVD on for him (Learn to Loop!) while I finished off some work. Then at 11ish we headed across to the beach.

I went out on my small wave board with a flatly rigged 5m. I thought it was going to be a little too much on the first run, but then there was a lull on the next run so I was glad of it. Simon meanwhile had a 4.5m sail and was struggling.

I had some good runs out through the waves and back, feeling good. Simon wasn't having quite so much of a good time so went back in and changed up to a 5.2m. The conditions were quite challenging and I was using every trick on the book to get out the back on each run. Jump over one wave, bearing away and outrunning the whitewater on others, heading upwind, stalling over the shoulder and then bearing away down the back of the wave to get planing again on others and popping up and onto the walls of white-water other times.

It was hard work and an exercise in concentration and wave-reading, trying to anticipate what the waves were going to do and the best approach to get through them. All of this of course meant that every clean run felt like an achievement. Once out beyond the breaking waves I'd head upwind a bit, blasting up and over the big swells, before gybing on a swell, then sailing upwind a little back towards the beach. Once back in amongst the thick of it I'd be far enough upwind to bear away onto the face of some waves and get some good backside wave rides in. Lovely.

I felt a little sorry for Simon as he just wasn't having a good day. He was struggling to get going in the challenging conditions and never quite got it together. I'm sure his state of mind and frustration wasn't helped by the fact that I was having such a good time and was making it look easy out there with a big grin on my face.
Toys Used:
JP Wave 75 75 ltr
Gun Hammer 5.0
Gun Loop RDM 400cm
Aeron Wave 145-190
C-Skins Wired 5/3mm



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