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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: justal

Member#: 1
Registered: 21-07-2002
Diary Entries: 2989

Mood: Just Chillin Dude
26th June 2009
Windsurfing: Ynyslas Estuary
Wind Direction: NE
Wind Stength: 30-35 knots
Surf / Sea State: Choppy
Air Temperature: 15ºC
Sea Temperature: 15ºC
Weather: Sunny
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

An excellent session thanks to Ivor, our local katabatic wind. True to form, on a sunny morning with a NE airflow he was blowing a hoolie in the estuary and was spot on time. He usually peaks around 8.30am so I was on the water just before 8 to catch the best of him and he was spot on time.

Maximum windspeed recorded by the we ather station so far this morning was spot on 8.30am at 30.6 knots, but that was here, not in the estuary where it would have been about 10 knots more. Most of the time whilst on the water the wind was around 30-35 knots so I was maxed out on my 5m sail and Naish Hybrid Freewave board.

I had some really fast runs in the speed channel, but didn't have my GPS with me. I sailed across to Aberdovey at one point and then just played around for a while going for some full out lay down gybes which felt really good.

As good as it gets on flat water.
Toys Used:
Naish Hybrid Freewave 86ltr
Gun Hammer 5.0
Gun Loop RDM 400cm
Aeron Wave 145-190
Naish Freewave 23cm
Rhino Short-sleeve 3/2



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